KidZone Team

KidZone is the name of the Grace Children’s ministry. KidZone provides a great place for kids to learn about Jesus while having a ton of fun! When the KidZone programs aren’t in session, the KidZone environment provides a fun place for kids to gather with an exciting décor, age-appropriate, God-honoring music and videos, and even toys and game consoles (with kid-friendly game titles of course!)



Care for kids in K-5th grades while adult worship services are going on in the main sanctuary. Leaders utilize an exciting curriculum that includes music, games, and hands-on learning experiences as they discover and explore God’s truths! Must love kids, Have great communication skills, Have some proficiency with computers and electronics, and like to have fun!

TIME COMMITMENT:                 3-6 Hours/Week     (on rotation)


Working in conjunction with KidZone Live Leader, creates a high-energy, age-appropriate worship experience for kids. Must be able to play instrument, or proficiently utilize technology to provide accompaniment. Must be willing to get a little CRAZY!

TIME COMMITMENT:                 3-6 Hours/Week

If you are interested in volunteering in any of our ministries, please fill out the form below.

* Grace will not disclose or share any identifiable information about you with any other entity without your express written consent.

[contact-form] [contact-field label=”Name (First, Middle, Last)” type=”name” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Address (City, State, Zip)” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”Date of Birth” type=”text” required=”true” /] [contact-field label=”I am interested in a Ministry Team” type=”select” required=”true” options=”Worship Team,Audio Visual Team,Drama Team,Pastoral Care Team,First Impressions Team,Nursery Team,KidZone Team,Konnect Team,Youth Ministry Team,Discipleship Team,VBS Team” /] [contact-field label=”I agree to abide by the following guidelines: Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the policies of Grace and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of Grace; I agree to use appropriate language at all times and treat everyone with respect and dignity; I agree that Grace, its staff, and affiliates cannot assume any responsibility or liability for any accident, injury, or health problem that may arise from volunteering; I understand that I am not eligible to receive compensation of any kind; I authorize Grace to conduct a criminal and sex offender background check.” type=”checkbox” /] [/contact-form]